Jennie Powe Runde
Expressive Arts Therapist
+ facilitator
(BBS #46457, REAT #1726)

Expressive arts for mixed folks
Sacred Presence:
reimagining & re-membering
This is an invitation to a yearlong exploration of belonging, the body, and identity.
Over the course of the year, we'll take time together to slow down and turn inward. We'll map out our stories, our histories, our myths and our hero's journey, culminating in a fuller picture of who we are (as opposed to "what" we are).
Using the modalities of Expressive Arts- including drawing, creative writing, and movement, we'll explore identity through the body- uncovering and rediscovering our stories. Stories of others, ourselves, and how we show up in relationship.
This is an invitation to:
Slow down, move forward with intention
Laugh, have fun, and reclaim your right to rest in a community of support
Reconnect to joyful, uninhibited creativity
Explore how our bodies hold a story of who we are- personally and collectively
Over the course of ten months, we will gather each month to unpack, explore, and share ideas, insights, questions, and discoveries.
We experience the world in our bodies, and they can provide a key to help understand the stories we tell ourselves.
My intention is that by the end of the year together, you will:
​Begin to set down the baggage of family burdens
Move through the world with confidence in your sacred right to be here, take up space, and be seen
Have a deeper understanding of your personal mythology
Develop a creative practice that you can turn to as needed to support you going forward
Other Relevant info:
Who: This group is for folks 18 and older who want to be a part of a group exploration of identity, the body, and belonging.
Group is limited to 4-6 participants
What: This is an opportunity to work creatively alongside a group of thoughtful, creative individuals to unpack and explore personal and collective identity through the lens of the body.
Each month, Jennie will send a video with an invitation to that month's body based theme,
you'll also get an email with an expressive arts exploration focused on the monthly theme, and there'll be a monthly gathering focusing on a specific, body-led identity exploration.
You'll also have a 1:1 check in with Jennie each month where we'll explore and unpack what is emerging for you, and create a throughline of your personal and collective journey.
Where: This group will meet online, and depending on group make up and availability will have at least one in person/hybrid meeting, date(s) TBD.
When: I'll send a short video the first week of each month, and a follow up email on the second week, we'll come together online the 3rd Wednesday of each month for 90 minutes, from 4:30- 6:00pm PST. The fourth week will be for integration, reflection, and rest.
1:1 meetings with Jennie can be scheduled any time throughout the month.
How much: $2000 for the year, can be paid monthly ($200/ month).
If interested in joining the group, please fill out the form below.
**Please note: Like the 8 week Mixed Identity group, this is not a therapy group, participants are encouraged to have their own therapist and will be offered a referral if needed.**