Jennie Powe Runde
Expressive Arts Therapist
+ facilitator
(BBS #46457, REAT #1726)

Expressive arts for mixed folks
You don't have to prove your Belonging
As someone navigating the world between labels, cultures, and communities, you may often find yourself "reading the room"- trying to figure out what is being asked of you, or what is expected given the setting, person, and place.
At times, you may feel that you don't have the right to speak up or take up space.
You feel like you're not enough of one thing, or "too much" of something else.
You often think that there won't be anyone in the group who can understand or relate to your experience.
You're carrying wounds inflicted be beloved family or well-meaning friends who make you feel more isolated and alone.
You may be thinking: mixed, multiracial, biracial, multicultural, multi-heritage, hafrican, blasian, mixie, halfie, - do any of these labels fit? do they matter?
How can you or I or we talk about this if we can't agree on the language, or don't have the words?
This Mixed Identity Support Group uses Expressive Arts as a way to access your inherent creativity to unpack and explore the complexity and challenge of being someone who may feel out of place, that you are often needing to 'perform' for others, or that you are navigating the liminal space
between labels.
Creativity gives us the language to explore these ideas without needing to have the words to understand, communicate, or express them before we're ready.
Mixed Identity Group
This is a group* for folks of mixed heritage- including those who identify as bi/multiracial, multicultural, mixed, or some other category not defined or mentioned here relating to being "more than one" - to come together to unpack and explore the complexity of mixed identity.
Over 8 weeks, we will come together in a safe and supportive space to unpack and explore ideas around identity, community, and being fully seen.
You can sign up here, by booking a phone consultation and sending a message that you'd like to be included in the group this time around. We'll set up a time to chat to confirm it's a good fit to join.
The group has a 'flexible frame', with a common theme or idea being explored each week tied to an expressive arts directive. The content of the group is determined by group members, who are invited to bring what feels most pressing, relevant, and important into the group space.
We are often asked- both directly and indirectly- to not talk about our mixedness. In this group, all of you is welcome, including the parts that may feel new, ancient, unexplored, or unwelcome outside this shared space.
In order to be seen, you have to be willing to show yourself
We are going through a collective experience of upheaval, reconsideration, and reorganization. The old ways of doing things aren't working. As we take the chance of re-imagining what this next chapter of our personal and collective history can look like, we need your presence, your perspective, your voice, and your creativity.
Here's a general outline of what we'll cover over the 8 weeks together:
Week 1- Laying the groundwork- labels and context
Week 2- Who are you? The inner mask and outer mask
Week 3- "What are you?" Being seen by others- finding our touchstone
Week 4- Turning inwards- What's missing? Creating what's needed
Week 5- Who am I? Love what you love
Week 6- Who are My People? Ancestors and Descendants
Week 7- What Do We Need? Collaging community
Week 8- Commencement and Return
If you know you're interested in joining, save your spot by clicking on the on the "Join Us" button, then booking a phone consultation, and sending a note that you'd like to be included for this round. We'll connect by phone and I can share more about the group and answer any questions you may have, and confirm it's a good fit.
Other Relevant info:
Who: This group is for folks 18yrs and older who identify as mixed, bi/multiracial, multicultural, multi-heritage.
Group is limited to 4-6 participants
What: The Mixed Identity Group meets for 8 weeks. Each week, we begin with a check-in and journal reflection, then explore a topic or theme around mixed/multi-heritage identity. An expressive arts invitation is sent via email after each meeting to continue to explore creatively on your own. The art invitation is a mix of writing, drawing, collage, and embodiment or movement. *NO ART EXPERIENCE NECESSARY*
Where: This group meets online, via a secure meeting link
When: The group is open for enrollment, scheduled to begin in June 2024. Meeting Tuesdays 4:30pm- 6pm
How much: $75/week for 8 weeks. There is a $50 deposit to hold your spot in group, $650 total
In response to feedback and desire for group members to stay connected after the 8 weeks, there is an ongoing Monthly Mixed Meetup that you're invited to join at the end of the group, as well as the option of joining a year-long deeper dive into themes and ideas generated during the group.
If interested & you'd like to know more, you can book a 15-20 minute consultation to hear more about the group and get any questions answered, as well as share more about you and what you're looking for to see if it would be a good fit to join:
You can learn more about me and my approach here.
I look forward to being in community with you.
**Please note: This is not a therapy group, participants are encouraged to have their own therapist and will be offered a referral if needed.**

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