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Supervision & Consultation



I currently run a weekly supervision group for BIPOC clinicians. The group is comprised of folks who are completing their clinical hours in different settings. We meet on Wednesdays from 2-4pm, and the fee is $50 per group. 


If you are interested in learning more about supervision with me or joining a group, you can contact me here


A bit more about my supervision background:


I really enjoy working with passionate, curious, and committed colleagues- therapists are my people! In my work in the non profit world, I've loved working with trainees, interns/associates, and licensed clinicians at different stages of their career.


In my role as a Clinical Director at several non profits, I supervised, consulted with, and encouraged both clinical and non clinical staff to think critically and creatively about how to do their work in a way that:


1) supported, respected and challenged clients on their path to healing...AND

2) supported, respected and challenged clinical and non clinical staff in how they showed up for others & themselves


Therapy can be hard work, and staying connected to WHY we do this work and using creativity in HOW we do this work can make it a more sustainable and enjoyable endeavor. 


I believe that we are all inherently creative, and much like our clients we may lose connection to our creative selves as we grow up and get caught up in the day to day busyness of our lives. Creativity, and specifically using expressive arts, is a way to reconnect to a sustaining and energizing practice



I offer consultation to clinicians who are working with mixed or multi-heritage folks and/or wanting to incorporate more creativity in their work. We'll meet for an hour over secure video and the fee is $150. 


If you'd like to incorporate more creativity in your work, you can also sign up for my newsletter, which I send about 1-2x a month. I share ideas, interventions, and insights- hopefully as a way for you to think more creatively in your work, and to expand the ways you think about incorporating your own and your clients' intersectional identities within the therapeutic relationship. 


You can sign up for my newsletter here, and I'll send you a simple guide with 3 creative interventions that you can start using with your clients today:

Sign up for my newsletter

     Get regular inspiration to help clients access their own inherent wisdom and creativity

   Sign up here & I'll send a free guide: 3 Creative Clinical Interventions to use with clients today.

© 2015 by JPR


Jennie Powe Runde


Tel: 510-761-7871

Schedule a free 20 minute consultation anytime online to see if it would be the right time to work together.

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